Here’s the official track list of the soundtrack of High-Rise, the upcoming pcoming drama thriller movie directed by Ben Wheatley and starring Tom Hiddleston:
High-Rise Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Music by Clint Mansell.
1. Critical Mass
2. Silent Corridors
3. The World Beyond The High-Rise
4. The Vertical City
5. The Circle Of Women
6. “ Built, Not For Man, But For Man’ s Absence”
7. Danger In The Streets Of The Sky
8. “ œSomehow The High-Rise Played Into The Hands Of The Most Petty Impulse”
9. Cine-Camera Cinema
10. A Royal Flying School
11. The Evening’ s Entertainment
12. Blood Garden
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You may listen to the songs below
High-Rise – Cine-Camera Cinema – Clint Mansell
Plot Synopsis:
1975. Two miles west of London, Dr. Robert Laing moves into his new apartment seeking soulless anonymity, only to find that the building’s residents have no intention of leaving him alone. Resigned to the complex social dynamics unfolding around him, Laing bites the bullet and becomes neighbourly. As he struggles to establish his position, Laing’s good manners and sanity disintegrate along with the building. The lights go out and the lifts fail but the party goes on. People are the problem. Booze is the currency. Sex is the panacea. Only much later, as he sits on his balcony eating the architect’s dog, does Dr. Robert Laing finally feel at home…
The movie soundtrack of High-Rise will be released on March 18, 2016 by Silva Screen Records.