The track list of the soundtrack of The Cold Light of Day, the upcoming thriller drama movie directed by Mabrouk El Mechri and starring Henry Cavill, Bruce Willis and Sigourney Weaver, has been revealed:
The Cold Light of Day Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Composed and conducted by Lucas Vidal.
1. Foot Chase
2. Back to Boat
3. Sailing
4. Rooftop Chase
5. Incognito
6. Rendezvous with Carrack
7. Remove Bullet
8. Car Chase Pt 1
9. My Father Too
10. Underground Meeting
11. Puerto Del Sol
12. Family Reunites
13. Interrogation
14. Car Chase Pt 2
15. New Family
16. End Credits
17. Spain |
Listen below to samples of the songs of the soundtrack of the Cold Light of Day: Continue reading »