High School

At long last hereā€™s the official track list of the soundtrack of High School, the pot comedy movie directed by John Stalberg and starring Adrien Brody, Michael Chiklis, Sean Marquette, Matt Bush, Adhir Calyan and Colin Hanks:

High School Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Music by The Newton Brothers
1. High School
2. Spelling Bee
3. Everyoneā€™s High
4. Dreams of Sharky
5. Av Tech
6. Psycho Ed
7. Brownie Quarantine
8. Typing Test / My Cat Brian Adams
9. Treehouse
10. Girls Locker Room
11. The Showdown
12. What?
13. Blowing Up Hard Drives / Confession
14. The End of Breaux
High School Song - High School Music - High School Soundtrack - High School Score

The movie soundtrack of High School is available on iTunes.

9 Responses - ā€œHigh Schoolā€

  1. Mattthew

    what the song from the scene when they are making the brownies?

  2. Mattthew

    you know when he puts on his headphones and starts baking them?

  3. deedee

    Its called Malta by Superhumanoids

  4. jared

    what is the song they play at the end of the movie ?

  5. Late

    Exactly what i want to know

  6. sydney

    what was the song they played when the main characters mad that the burn out is taking the blame for him and hes freaking out at that locker

  7. Zoey

    If you watch the trailer what is the song that they play

  8. Lori Poe

    The trailer uses a cover of ā€œStand By Meā€, by Nick Brown of MONA. You can buy it on ITunes, ā€œStand By Meā€,ā€ N.B. Hauntā€

  9. athabaskan

    I have one question..when pysho edā€™s automated weed fertilizer turns on..there is a reggae/etronic rhythm turn of..what is that,and who created it?

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